var errMsgArray = new Array(); errMsgArray[24] = "PPP successful"; errMsgArray[25] = "PPP timed out"; errMsgArray[26] = "LCP parameters rejected by server"; errMsgArray[27] = "Wrong user name or password"; errMsgArray[28] = "User has disconnected."; errMsgArray[29] = "Session administratively terminated"; errMsgArray[30] = "SSL initialization failed"; errMsgArray[31] = "Failed to create buffer for sending packet"; errMsgArray[32] = "Cannot establish connection to SSL Network Extender gateway. Try to reconnect."; errMsgArray[33] = "Connection with SSL Network Extender Gateway lost. Try to reconnect."; errMsgArray[34] = "Failed to create buffer for receiving packet"; errMsgArray[35] = "Failed to create new link - allocation failed"; errMsgArray[36] = "Virtual Network Adapter initialization and configuration failed. Try to reconnect."; errMsgArray[37] = "Routing table configuration failed. Try to reconnect."; errMsgArray[38] = "Gateway Fingerprint verification failed. Please contact your system administrator."; errMsgArray[41] = "Failed to allocate space for VNA initialization"; errMsgArray[42] = "Failed to allocate structure for holding the ipcp_params on the tunnel"; errMsgArray[43] = "Failed to initialize new link"; errMsgArray[44] = "Failed to apply assigned office mode IP data. Please see help for more information."; errMsgArray[47] = "User is already Connected. Consider rebooting the computer."; errMsgArray[48] = "Unknown server disconnect received. Try to reconnect."; errMsgArray[49] = "Suspend/Hibernate event received. User Disconnected."; errMsgArray[50] = "User is Connected."; errMsgArray[201] = "Authentication failed"; errMsgArray[202] = "Failed to allocate IP. Please try again later."; errMsgArray[203] = "SSL Network Extender failed to reconnect to gateway. Try to reconnect"; errMsgArray[204] = "SSL Network Extender gateway is busy. Please try again later."; errMsgArray[205] = "SSL Network Extender gateway is not available. Try to connect later."; errMsgArray[206] = "User authentication expired."; errMsgArray[301] = "SSL Network Extender failed to verify Gateway fingerprint due to internal error. Try to reconnect."; errMsgArray[302] = "Gateway fingerprint was not verified by the user. Aborting connection."; errMsgArray[303] = "Gateway was successfully verified by the user. Proceeding with connect..."; errMsgArray[304] = "SSL Network Extender failed to verify Gateway fingerprint: Gateway CN was not provided."; errMsgArray[305] = "SSL Network Extender failed to verify Gateway fingerprint: Gateway Fingerprint was not provided."; errMsgArray[306] = "SSL Network Extender failed to verify Gateway fingerprint: Gateway CN is too long."; errMsgArray[307] = "SSL Network Extender failed to verify Gateway fingerprint: Gateway Fingerprint is too long."; errMsgArray[323] = "SSL Network Extender Service is down and could not be started. Consider rebooting the computer."; errMsgArray[324] = "SSL Network Extender Service is started, but is not responding. Please try to connect again."; errMsgArray[325] = "SSL Network Extender failed to connect. Please close Internet Explorer and try to connect again."; errMsgArray[326] = "SSL Network Extender is taking a long time to connect. Try to connect again."; errMsgArray[341] = "SSL Network Extender internal communication broken. Disconnected"; errMsgArray[342] = "SSL Network Extender internal communication stopped. Disconnected"; errMsgArray[343] = "SSL Network Extender internal communication failed to read data."; errMsgArray[344] = "SSL Network Extender internal communication failed to write data."; errMsgArray[371] = "SSL Network Extender Messaging layer failed to send message."; errMsgArray[372] = "Internal error. Opaque is empty"; errMsgArray[373] = "Received message(s) do(es) not fit into buffer"; errMsgArray[401] = "Unknown reason"; errMsgArray[402] = "Memory allocation failed"; errMsgArray[403] = "Error working with registry"; errMsgArray[404] = "Registry key doesn't exist"; errMsgArray[451] = "User Authentication expired."; errMsgArray[452] = "Network connection lost."; errMsgArray[453] = "VPN Gateway reset all connections."; errMsgArray[454] = "SSL Gateway reset all connections."; errMsgArray[455] = "SSL Network Extender client has disconnected."; errMsgArray[457] = "You have logged off Connectra portal. SSL Network Extender client is disconnected."; errMsgArray[458] = "User Authentication failed."; errMsgArray[459] = "VPN failed to update Connectra."; errMsgArray[461] = "Your user is connected from another device. VPN is disconnected."; errMsgArray[500] = "© 2012 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. SSL Network Extender."; errMsgArray[600] = "Are you sure you want to disconnect?"; errMsgArray[601] = "Would you also like to completely remove SSL Network Extender from this computer?" ok_button = "OK"; cancel_button = "Cancel"; disconnect_button = "Disconnect"; upgrade_offer = "There is a newer version of SSL Network Extender available. Do you wish to upgrade now?\nNote: Administrative privileges are required."; upgrade_link = "Click to upgrade"; loading = "Loading..."; loading_activex = "Loading ActiveX..."; loading_applet = "Loading Applet..."; load_fail = "Failed to load the ActiveX"; load_applet_failed = "Failed to load Java Applet"; load_failX2 = "Failed ActiveX and Applet"; not_installed = "You must approve the installation of SSL Network Extender ActiveX to Connect.\nNote: you must have admin privileges to install the ActiveX"; not_supported = "Your browser does not support activex controls, Please use a browser that supports them"; both_failed = "In order to run SNX you must approve the ActiveX installation or enable Java Virtual Machine on your computer"; applet_failed = "Unable to run SNX because Java Applet failed to run"; refreshed = "This window was either refreshed or reused to open a different page. Navigating away from this page will disconnect SSL Network Extender.\nYou can disable reuse windows for launching shortcuts in the advanced settings of Internet Explorer.\nAre you sure you want to disconnect?"; days = "Days"; conn_status = "Status:"; connecting = "Connecting..."; connected = "Connected"; disconnected = "Disconnected"; gw_id = "Gateway ID:"; office_ip = "Office Mode IP:"; duration = "Duration:"; remaining_time = "Remaining Time:"; copyright = "2012 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd."; password_length = "Password should contain at least 4 characters"; user_name = "User Name:"; password = "Password:"; respone = "Response:"; user_auth = "Please enter your user name and password"; invalid_certificate = "The certificate provided is invalid, Please supply user and password"; not_om_user = "User is not allowed to get an Office Mode IP address"; success_reauth = "User successfully Re-authenticated !"; password_no_match = "The passwords you typed do not match"; cert_auth_mandatory = "Certificate authentication is mandatory. Please use the registration key received from the administrator to generate your certificate or contact him to get a registration key in case you do not have one"; registration_prompt = "Enter a registration key and choose a password"; registration_key = "Registration Key:"; choose_password = "Choose Password:"; confirm_password = "Confirm Password:"; invalid_registration_key = "Invalid Registration Key - Please try again             " invalid_cert_registration = "The certificate provided is invalid, Please use the registration key received from the administrator to generate your certificate or contact him to get a registration key in case you do not have one"; not_om_user_registration = "User is not allowed to get an Office Mode IP address, Please use the registration key received from the administrator to generate your certificate or contact him to get a registration key in case you do not have one"; enrollment_help = "Enrollment is in progress.
When you get a certficate file please click
Open and follow the Microsoft® wizard
for importing it to your browser.
After you finish importing the certificate please
close all instances of your browser and try
to reconnect.

"; prompt_uninstall_on_disconnect = "Would you also like to completely remove SSL Network Extender from this computer?"; remind_uninstall_on_disconnect = "Would you like to be asked again whether to remove SSL Network Extender?"; not_ics_group = "Access Denied - Wrong ICS scan"; proxy_auth = "Please enter proxy user name and password"; proxy_user = "Proxy User Name:"; proxy_password = "Proxy Password:"; proxy_message = "Realm proxy-caching web server"; proxy_table = ""; proxy_wrong_user = "Invalid user name or password - try again"; activex_welcome_message = "Check Point SSL Network Extender requires the download of an ActiveX / Java control to your browser. The entire process will take approximately 1 minute, depending on your connection speed.

If a security box appears, you must click Yes to approve the security certificate to initiate the download of the required ActiveX / Java control.

Check Point SSL Network Extender will be displayed upon the completion of the ActiveX / Java control download and automatic installation.

"; connected_big = "CONNECTED!"; connected_message = "You are now connected via Check Point SSL Network Extender."; can_be_closed = "Closing this window will not affect the current session. The Check Point SSL Network Extender runs in a different window."; find_out_more = "Find out more about securing
your personal computer"; help = "Help"; show_Cmd_Snx = "Download SSL Network Extender manual installation"; download_Cmd_Snx_Win = "Download MSI installation package for Windows"; download_Cmd_Snx_Win_alt = "Remember - after running the MSI package you need to refresh the main SNX page"; download_Cmd_Snx_Lnx = "Download command line SNX for Linux"; download_Cmd_Snx_Mac = "Download command line SNX for Macintosh"; download_Cmd_Snx_Win_Ask = "Do you want to download and install MSI installation package for Windows instead?"; language_str = "Language"; skin_str = "Skin"; popup_blocked = "The SSL Network Extender authentication popup was blocked. You can click on the button to open it or permanently set you popup blocker to allow popup from this site. It is recommended to add this site to the Trusted Sites."; open_popup = "Open SSL Network Extender window"; not_authorized = "You are not allowed to
access SSL Network Extender"; conn_table = "
"; conn_html = ""; var MSG_RESTRICT_ACCESS = "You will not be able to log into SSL Network Extender until you %s. Once you have completed these actions, click Scan to access the site."; var MSG_ASKUSER_ACCESS = "It is preferable for the safety of your computer that these items be handled as indicated below. After doing so click Scan to enter, or you can click Continue now to log into SSL Network Extender without taking action."; var MSG_PROHIBITED_REQUIRED = "Integrity Clientless Security found %s prohibited element%s on your computer and did not find %s required element%s!"; var MSG_PROHIBITED = "Integrity Clientless Security found %s prohibited element%s on your computer!"; var MSG_DISABLED = "%s item%s disabled automatically."; var MSG_REQUIRED = "Integrity Clientless Security did not find %s required element%s!"; var MSG_COUNT_SINGULAR = " was"; var MSG_COUNT_PLURAL = "s were"; var MSG_PROHIBITED_COUNT = "%s prohibited element%s found on your computer!"; var MSG_REQUIRED_COUNT = "%s required element%s not found on your computer!"; var whatNowText = 'Download Integrity now.'; scanning = "Scanning..."; scanning_status_bar = "Scanning..."; loading_configuration = "Loading configuration..."; loading_configuration_status_bar = "Loading configuration..."; var strError = Array(10); strError[2] = 'Error: You cannot access this page with your current browser settings. Please make sure that you are running Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher, with privacy settings that allow the use of first-party cookies. You can do this by choosing the \"Medium-High\" setting or lower under Tools | Internet Options | Privacy. See Internet Explorer help for more information.'; strError[3] = 'Internal server error.'; strError[4] = 'Error: Session expired. Please reload the page.'; strError[5] = 'Error: You cannot access this page with your current browser settings. Please make sure that you are running Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher, with security settings that allow you to download signed ActiveX controls, run ActiveX controls and plugins, and script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting. You can do this by choosing the \"Medium\" default level under Tools | Internet Options | Security | Internet Zone. See Internet Explorer help for more information.'; strError[6] = 'Error: The Integrity security scanner does not support your browser version, so your computer cannot be tested for screened software.'; strError[7] = 'Error: Integrity Clientless Security cannot contact the server. Please try again in few minutes. If the server continues to be unavailable, please contact your network administrator.'; strError[8] = 'Error: Integrity Clientless Security was unable to complete the security scan. Please try again, or contact your network administrator for assistance.'; strError[9] = 'Error: Integrity Clientless Security cannot continue because you or your network administrator added this site to the list of restricted servers. Please contact your network administrator for assistance.'; strError[10] = 'Error: Integrity Clientless Security cannot scan your computer because another instance of engine is active. Please try again.'; remove_items = "remove the prohibited items"; remove_and_install_items = "remove the prohibited items and install the required ones"; install_items = "install the required items"; done_status = "Done."; download_integrity = "Download Integrity now."; remedy_link = "Click here for remedy"; integrity_client = "Integrity Client"; install_required = "The Integrity security scanner has found no screened software.
However, the administrator of SSL Network Extender requires that you install and start Integrity security software before logging in.
Click here to launch the Integrity installer. After the installation, start it and click Scan to access the login area."; install_before_accessing = "
You must install and start Integrity security software before accessing this area.
"; install_recommended = "The Integrity security scanner has found no screened software.
However, the administrator of SSL Network Extender recommends that you install and run Integrity security software before logging in.
Click here to launch the Integrity installer, click Continue to SSL Network Extender, or click Cancel to close the browser."; what_now = "What now? "; ics_continue = "Continue"; ics_cancel = "Cancel"; rescan_ready = "Ready to Re-Scan"; loading_msg = "

Loading, please wait...

Currently loading the Integrity security scanner to scan your computer for screened software.This scan is required before entering SSL Network Extender.

If this page fails to load, either the page is restricted or your Internet Explorer Security level is set to High. Make sure your Internet Explorer Security level is set to Medium and try again.

"; b64_alert = "There were invalid base64 characters in the input text.n Valid base64 characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ?+?, ?/?, and ?=?nExpect errors in decoding."; ics_report = "INTEGRITY SECURITY SCAN REPORT"; scan_ready = "Ready to scan"; ics_scan = "Scan"; ics_field_empty = "The field must not be empty!"; ics_invalid_url = "Please enter valid URL!"; ics_no_integer = "The value must be nonnegative integer!"; ics_invalid_version = "Please enter a valid version number!"; ics_not_latin = "Please use only latin characters!"; ics_no_method = "At least one method must be selected!"; scanner_status = "Scanner Status:"; browser_settings_error = "You cannot access this page with your current browser settings.
Please verify that you are using Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher, with security settings that allow active scripting.

Select Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level:
If you know in which web content zone the organization\'s site is located, enable the following settings in that zone.
If not, enable the following settings in the Internet, Local intranet and Trusted sites zones.
  • Active scripting"; choose_browser = "Please select the browser through which you prefer to surf to SSL Network Extender.
    Accessing the portal via your curret browser may permit unauthorized access to sensitive information"; isb_browser = "Integrity Secure Browser"; current_browser = "Current Browser"; recommend_isb = "It is highly recommended to use Check Point's Integrity Secure Browser, which enables secure access to SSL Network Extender"; snx = "SSL Network Extender"; powered_by_ics = "Important: This site is protected by the Integrity Clientless Security for SSL Network Extender"; installed_isb = "The Integrity Secure Browser successfully installed."; close_browser = "You can close this browser window."; downloading_isb = "The Integrity Secure Browser helps protect your data while viewing this site. The Integrity Secure Browser is now downloading, you will be prompted to accept the ActiveX component."; isb_activex = "The Integrity Secure Browser requires ActiveX."; when_complete = "When the download is complete you may close this window."; english = "English"; hebrew = "עברית"; arabic = "العربية"; spanish = "Español"; italian = "Italiano"; japanese = "日本語"; french = "Français"; simplified_chinese = "简体中文"; traditional_chinese = "繁体中文"; german = "Deutsch"; brazilian_portuguese = "Português (BR)"; portuguese = "Português (PT)"; skin1 = "Skin 1"; skin2 = "Skin 2"; singular = ""; plural = "s"; close_button = "Close"; SecureId_label = "SecurID:"; SecureId_link = "Click for using SecurID"; SecureId_hide = "Hide SecurID";